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'The voice is the perfect musical instrument'

When Lisa Paglin and Marianna Brilla met, Marianna was questioning everything about the voice.  Years of lessons with world-renowned teachers, degrees from prestigious schools and a Fulbright Award proved to her that clear criteria for achieving ease, perfect intonation and direct communication through the word in singing was no longer available anywhere.


Despite personal dissatisfaction, she was sought after as a singer and began a successful career. But, determined to rediscover the foundations of fine singing, Marianna left the stage and began challenging fallacies, inaccuracies and misinformation.


Lisa was an accomplished pianist and singer from early childhood. As a young soprano at the Vienna Staatsoper, she drew much praise for her voice and musicality but confusing vocal instruction, combined with a period of poor health, threw her off-balance.  Longing to return to effortless and joyful singing, she consulted prominent teachers, to no avail. 

Lisa joined Marianna in her research on the physiology and acoustics of the voice, which little did they know would span the next 15 years. This meticulous work led them to rediscover and understand completely the essential concepts set forth by the great teachers from the Golden Age of Italian singing that allowed the artist to have freedom, spontaneity, beauty, and vocal health.


Their methods for voice training and vocal rehabilitation, Vocal Balance™ and Vocal Restoration™ were born. For many years, they’ve trained, restored and re-balanced the voices of singers, actors and voice professionals from around the world.

'Why shouldn't singers and actors achieve the same high level of technical proficiency as any instrumentalist?'

VOCAL BALANCE Brilla-Paglin™

Vocal Balance beautifully coordinates the three elements of voice : Air, Tone and Word. ​ All difficulties in singing and speaking derive from an imbalance of one or more of these three basic elements.


When correctly balanced, they become the backbone that can support an unlimited number of musical and artistic variables:  intonation, resonance, words (consonants and vowels), nuance, dynamics and projection.


A Balanced Voice is the most highly sensitive, flexible instrument there is, always ready to respond to the demands of the artist.


We love singers and actors. Ask us anything...


An efficient vocal technique is based on a balanced, healthy, voice.


Today, many professional performers and physicians accept vocal exhaustion and injury as an inevitable part of the singing and acting professions.  Nonsense!


Balance prevents vocal illness and injury. â€‹


As Voice Specialists, we have seen first-hand how singers and actors who finish our customized re-education studies acquire permanent vocal freedom, stability and autonomy.  
This includes those who had been suffering from acute voice abuse due to past vocal practices. 

"This work is not for everybody. It is only for vocal artists who require freedom, spontaneity and beauty"


New Voice Studio - A Short Film

Inside New Voice Studio


What people say about us...

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“The voice goldsmiths.
Working with Marianna Brilla and Lisa Paglin has been a complete life-(and voice!)-changing experience. I went to them after a car accident left me with a twisted larynx, my voice seemingly destroyed. As a professional singer, with more than 30 concerts a year, I was shocked to learn that my vocal problems were not only due to that accident, but also because of vocal abuse.

Through their absolute knowledge, care, love, dedication, accuracy, truth and professionalism, I corrected my vocal approach. Some months later I was able to go back on stage singing with more comfort, ease and freedom than ever before. I will never be grateful enough to these two teachers, who devote their lives to taking care of and saving voices."


Contact Us

For consultations, lessons, masterclasses, seminars and all enquiries use the form below


Thank you.



or call Monday through Friday +393515990459 from 9am-1:pm CET or message via Whatsapp

​Call from USA or Canada : 011393515990459


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Upcoming Events


After months traveling in Europe for Masterclasses, Workshops and lessons, we are so happy to finally be back in the Studio once again! Please reach out to us if you would like to schedule a consultation or lesson.



NEW WORKSHOPS beginning Sunday, March 24th!
We are very happy to announce that for the next four months,

once a month, our assistant and founder of Voice Training Music, Stefano Lenzi, will join us in Osimo for a workshop dedicated to non-classical singers.
Four appointments with a focus on Vocal Balance Brilla-Paglinâ„  applied to Pop and Jazz repertoire.
For information and to enroll, do not hesitate to get in touch here on our webite. We will get back to you quickly!


Madrid Masterclass 2023 

Thanks to the collaboration with the Instituto Complutense de Ciencias Musicales-ICCMU and the DIDONE PROJECT, our Masterclass took place in Madrid from the 18th to the 22nd of December 2023! It was intense and gratifying, and... too short!
We look forward to futher collaboration with these wonderful singers and musicians in the near future!


Samobor, Croatia

Our MASTERCLASS for SINGERS with Jacques Houdek and Stefano Lenzi on 10-11-12 November 2023 was a wonderful event!
STAY TUNED for PART 2, now in the works for October 2024!



For those of you who cannot travel to see us at present, we still  look forward to seeing you on Skype, Zoom or Facetime, for consultations, lessons and online seminars.

Can't wait to hear from you!


© 2022 New Voice Studio

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